High 5 For Friday!

Friday again! That means our first week of school is over! One down….a lot more to go.


High Five for Friday


1. Lets start with last Saturday…Timmy and I went on a movie date with some friends while T took Layla golfing. We saw Despicable Me 2. Super cute! Timmy loved the purple minions.

2. Dr Martens! What?! I got a dress off the clearance rack at the BX and it neeeeeded a pair of docs to go with it. Love you Thomo <3

3. First day of school! I have a 3rd grader. Her teacher is awesome and she loves going. And I love having routine in my life again.

4. Look at that gnarly bruise. So happy to be skating and hitting again with my derby girls.

5. I’m hosting my first (and hopefully not last) Mug Swap! Super excited! Check it out and sign up to swap before Sept 11 😀


Thanks, Lauren, for hosting once again! TGIF!

5 thoughts on “High 5 For Friday!”

  1. That bruise looks terrible. I hope it heals quickly. 😉
    I love the purple doc martins too.

    1. I got it from roller derby practice. I’m pretty sure one of the times I fell I landed on a wheel. Didn’t feel it at the time lol But now I have a trophy to show for it 😉

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