The Great Closet Cleanout: The Tanks

I’m going to start out a series which I hope I see through to the end. After getting super frustrated with getting dressed I’ve decided to actually clean out my clothes. There are SO many things that don’t fit or I haven’t worn or wont wear. I feel like my drawers are busting but I ‘have nothing to wear’…so I’m cleaning it out. And making y’all go through it with me before eventually adding new pieces to my wardrobe. Get ready to be blown away by the awesomely hip fashion that is to follow…

First stop, tank tops. They’re the top drawer of my dresser and what I wear the most right now so why not start there. I pulled out a lot that I didn’t put back in.

(Please, don’t judge the awful lighting/color casts. The window light kept changing and making my camera angry.)

#1 – The FAVES: These are the ones I wore the most. Loved these tanks to bits and they are all well worn. And they’re all size small…so yeah, they don’t fit me now. Green, Orange, and possibly the top purple one are Mossimo (unless that top one was from Burke’s Outlet? Never can be sure) but y’all know I never really buy clothes at Target. I so so miss the Goodwill in Enterprise and their Target Castoff rack. All new stuff with a Megan friendly price tag. Fabulous. The middle one might actually be a dress. It’s a small and its that awkward too long to be a shirt with shorts but too short to wear nothing under it. And I don’t do leggings. So who knows how to wear it. I prolly needed to be about a foot shorter but that’s what happens when you’re 5’9″ with the chest of a 12 year old.

#2 –  The Randoms:  These are just shirts I bought and never wore, received as hand me downs, have had for-e-ver, or just dont wear now. The top 3 are all the same medium Old Navy shirt. All hand me downs. I loved these! They’re just tighter now and I’m ready for something new. I do love a flowy muffin hiding bottom though. The mermaid tank came from Hot Topic in Hawaii many moons ago. It still makes me happy…it’s just too small. Maybe I’ll hand it down to Layla….not that it would fit her. 🙁 Maybe I’ll just keep it to look at. I’m a hoarder like that 😐  The middle black tank is from Maiden Form. It has the tummy sucker inside lining. It was on super sale a couple months ago ($11 normally$40 maybe??) so I threw one in the cart. Fantastic on the belly! Way too tight on top. Before surgery. Dumb. The green ruffle tank I bought a couple weeks ago for $4 at the PX. I loved the color and thought ruffles were something different than the normal shirts I wear…yeah…it’s awful on me. I look about 30 lbs heavier. Sad face. It’s so soft…

#3 – Meh…more randoms. – Strapless grey shirt was another hand me down. I think I wore it one time? I never feel safe going strapless with a baby. Now it’s to small. The other 2 are just flowy JC Penny juniors tanks from AL. I just like flowy things to hide my gut. Done with all of them.

#5 – The Lone Maternity Tank: This one is the jewel of my collection…and let me tell you I folded it and stuck it right back in the keep pile. Don’t shoot me. I promise I never leave the house in it. And to make the fact that I am still wearing a preggo tank 3.5 years later…It’s covered in grey paint from our AL bathroom redo. I wasn’t preggo when we did that either…

#6 – The ‘Fun’ shirts: I’m keeping these. Because you just never know when you’ll need them…right? Maybe I do belong on Hoarders. #1 I bought for a dress up 80’s night. I’m sure I’ll need it again some day. The tie dye is actually one of my faves too and I wear it a lot. Actually I just wore it to the gym on Friday. It used to be my baggy comfy tank but now it’s kinda tight. Still love it. The fender tank was a tee I bought at Ross in Hawaii. I cut it into a tank which I loved. Then I sliced and tied the back up for a derby event. I haven’t worn it since then and not even sure it will fit me now since it was always tight. Maybe it will make the dumb pile…maybe. The Army tank…NO idea where that came from but I’ve had it for a while now. It’s short and it’s Army. I will never wear it. Maybe this will turn into a ditch pile?

#7 – The keepers. Boring.  Random cami’s and solid tanks. The ones I wear the most. Boring. But they fit. So they stay. 

#8 – Derby: Between the tanks and tees roller derby shirts prolly make up 90% of my outfits. Thomas LOVES it (not). And actually…going through them made me realize I’m missing one. I have 2 of the top middle tanks. One with my name/number and one without. And to just be super honest I have another black tank ordered. This new one will have the All Star logo. I may have a problem…

And that’s it for the tanks. Next time I’ll be going through the tshirt drawer. I also need to go through the shorts/skirts (which will take all of 5 seconds), handing stuff, and workout clothes. Now where are Clinton and Stacy with my $5000 to help me replace all this stuff?!

2 thoughts on “The Great Closet Cleanout: The Tanks”

  1. I wanted to like the post, but it asked me to log in..and well I’m too lazy to do that right now. So you get this stupid comment instead.

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