Third Grade

I have a third grader. I remember third grade well…how is it I have a kid that is so old already? And she looks old. So much older than last year. Is it the big teeth? The bangs? I’m not sure. Maybe she just IS getting older. Oy.

We laid out the new stuff last night. Ready to go for this morning when I was sure we’d be sprinting through the house trying to remember things last minute. Not sure how early to leave to get to the new school building in a different area of post. I was a bit of a stress ball.

Turns out we were ready to leave a good 40 minutes early. Better than late, right! We decided to have Thomo drive her to school since he had to be to work right after and had never actually done the first day drop himself before. I was good with that since traffic and crowds make me twitchy. I did take some before school pictures though.

Now, turn sideways! Let me see the backpack.

I love that she listened to my directions and even told me how she was making a point to actually look at the camera for once. She NEVER looks at the camera.

 One day down, a ton more to go….

1 thought on “Third Grade”

  1. She is so Beautiful!! So tall and I am so proud of her!! And I am so proud of you for raising such a good girl!! <3 I hope she had a great 1st day of 3rd grade!! 🙂

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