Liebster Award!

Guess what! I was nominated for a Liebster award by the awesome miss Katelyn from Katelyn Now. She’s a new blogger in town (Blogtown that is, not Korea. Lucky duck.) and it’s fun seeing where she is taking her new little space on the internets. She recently shared with me her list of awesome things to do with quinoa since I’m obviously new to it and have no idea what I’m doing. And have I mentioned I love her blogs background? I have a thing for chevron.

So, apparently Liebster means “dearest” in German and the award is given by bloggers to bloggers. Spreading some blog love to the blogs you love to read.  Nominees answer the 11 questions in the post that nominated them and then will leave 11 more questions for their own nominees to answer. Get it? Easy peasy.


My questions to answer:

1. Why did you start blogging?   I originally started Girl Meets Camera because my friend, Jill, told me to. Ha! She was my original photo teacher and really got me into taking pictures. I think I was posting everything to MySpace at the time and she suggested I start up a blog to share them all. So that’s what I did! It was also helpful in keeping family and friends up to date on our lives in Hawaii. 

2. Where is your favorite vacation spot?   Somewhere with a beach. We don’t really vacation (boo!) but if I could get away I’d want to go somewhere beachy and tropical and laid back. I loved our weekend trips to the Destin beach house while we were in AL and our derby trip to Boracay was just amazing. I think it all just reminds me of being back in Hawaii. 

3. What is something you do to relax?   Hmm, I don’t think relaxing is the hard part. I’m pretty good at relaxing! Haha. Coffee, recliner, and blogs are pretty much my chill time. 

4. What blog inspires you most?  Moosh In Indy. There are so many other blogs that I read and love but hers is always my go to. I love her mom stories and her photos are amazing. And her kids are friggin cute. 

5. What is your all time favorite book?  Oh geeze. Hmm…I hate admitting that I’m not a super big reader. And I tend to get really sucked into a book and when I’m done I just move on. I suck and can’t think of one that stands out above all others. It’s like music. Really depends on my mood. I did love Invisible Monsters and My Sisters Keeper.

6. Summer, Fall, Winter, or Spring? Pick one!  FALL. Fall times a million. I love every single thing about the fall. Decorating, pumpkin everything, oranges and browns, all the smells and flavors. I hate that it is just the beginning to winter though which makes me also a tiny bit fond of spring because it’s the end to the awfulness that is Korean winter. And I also just love the feel of Summer vacation. Pools and no school. Anything can happen (even though we are usually lazy, and that’s ok.) So…pretty much all season except winter. I hate Winter. 

7. What do you do to get more traffic to your blog?  I’ve recently discovered that Pinterest is the number 1 thing (for me) to get people to my blog. Not only do I pin all current posts but I’ve gone back and pinned a few DIY, recipe, or local to-do type posts. Already today I’ve had almost 80 visits to my Pumpkin Brownies post. I know everyone is getting all pumpkin happy like me now that it’s fall but those brownies are kinda awful. 

8. Are you an early bird or a night owl?  Early bird for sure. As hard as it is to pull myself out of bed now that the sun isn’t up yet when my alarm goes off I’d still rather wake up early than stay up late. I enjoy sleep and I really enjoy waking up to coffee. Sometimes I can’t wait to go to bed just so I can wake up and drink coffee. I might have a problem. 

9. What do you enjoy most about being a blogger?   I love being able to look back on our lives. I’ve been blogging for almost 5 and a half years now and it’s great seeing the kids grow up and all of the places we’ve lived. Sometimes when I’m bored I just go back a few years and scan through pictures of my wittle kids. And I love that even though we haven’t been ‘home’ in 3 years my family can still see the kids growing up through pictures. When I actually post any 😐 

10. Do you blog “full time” or is it an on the side hobby?  I definitely do not blog full time. I’m just trying to keep it going. 

11. Dogs or cats? Pick one!   Um, cats? Just not the cat we have now. And I do love the dogs we have much more than the cat…but in general dogs are too needy. Cats are much easier! 


And the nominees are:

The Tangerine 

Handling with Grace

A Dose of Paige

Anchors & Honey

5280 Running Mommy

A Perfect Lily

Battling the Homefront

Diddle Diddle Dumpling

Melon Pea

Tamara Like Camera

The Dubious Hausfrau


 Your questions to answer:

1. What is your favorite blog post you have written?

2. If you could have any profession what would it be?

3. What are 3 blogs you read every day?

4. Do you like breakfast for dinner?

5. Do you schedule blog posts?

6. What is your favorite song at the moment?

7. Any advice for someone wanting to start a blog?

8. Do you consider yourself crafty?

9. What inspires your blog posts?

10. Why did you choose your blog’s name?

11. What are some of your favorite things to do?


And there you have it!  Thank you Katelyn for my nomination!  This was a fun post 🙂


6 thoughts on “Liebster Award!”

  1. Congrats on the nomination, and thank you so much for nominating mine! I know I have found you before through a mutual blogging friend (mbf?) and I loved your blog name so much, I knew I’d be back. I hope I can accept this nomination on the sooner side!

  2. Awesome! Loved reading your answers 🙂 I too enjoy going to sleep just so that I can have coffee in the morning, so if you have a problem then I do too!! Have a great day, it was nice contacting you through our blogs! So fun :))

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