Mug Swap Update: You’ve Got Mail!

Hello Mug Swappers!  

Can I just say how amazed by how many people have signed up for this?? Seriously awesome. Thank you! I really hope everything goes smoothly from here and everyone can send out and receive a mug in the mail.  I have gone through and emailed everyone that has signed up. I did my best to not match anyone with someone they already know or live in the same state as. If you know you signed up with my swap and did NOT get an email PLEASE please let me know ASAP so I can figure out where the heck I went wrong.   

mug swap 2013


I’ve had a few people ask questions so I thought I’d address those here:

1. There is NO dollar amount to stick to. Not saying go out and spend $100 on a mug or anything…I just don’t want anyone to feel limited, ya know? Just find one that you love or your think your buddy will love that is in your own budget. 

2. You do not have to send anything but a mug for this. If you want to add in any extra goodies or a note/postcard you are welcome but it isn’t necessary to participate in the swap.  Again, it’s as fancy as you want to make it. 

3.  I’d love to have mugs sent out in time for your buddy to get their package around October 1st.  You can go out in your town and find the perfect mug to ship yourself or find something fun online and have it sent directly to the address I have emailed you. I’ve seen a lot of cute mugs on Etsy! 


I’ll post another update around the 21-23 to make sure everyone remembers to mail off their mugs and then after the 1st of October I’ll write a final mug swap post with a link up. You’ll be able to share a link to a photo of your mug there whether it be a blog post or just a picture on Instagram or Twitter. 


Happy Shopping everyone! 



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