Some ramblings

I’ve been meaning to post…wanting to post but I have nothing. I haven’t been taking much more than my daily 365 picture and have no words to share on their own. Not that we haven’t DONE things…I’m just uncool with the memory capturing. Meh. Maybe I’m recharging after the Seoul trip. But since I WANT to post and have no real plan or reason to, I’m just going to ramble today.

First, I don’t think Bloglovin’ is working. It says my last blog update was Nov 2. Lame-o Bloglovin’. Anyone else seeing my posts?

On Monday we drove to Cheonan for the first time. We went to Lotte Mart and Toys R Us. I got a Hulk shirt at Lotte Mart for 5000 won! At TRU the kids played with the cars and legos they had out. Layla really wanted some hopping bunny that comes with a bed and fake water bottle. We came home to have meatball subs and then I realized I didn’t get meatballs. Oops.

Tuesday – Timmy and I went to Star Kids with Niki and her kiddos. We don’t see them enough at all and that should change because we love them! Alyssa was Timmy’s first BFF. Anywho, it was fun. They turned the heat on for us thankfully. We thought it would be the place to go since it’s freezing outside but inside was just as bad. We each upgraded our free coffee to something yummier…and then ordered another. I love that place. And still…2 fancy coffees, 1 juice box, 2 hours of play time, and me not having to watch my kid while I sit on a heated floor all for less than $20. I think I’ll move in there this winter.

Wednesday. That’s today! And here is what it looked like as the sun came up and I had already been awake for an hour.

It was so cold. Timmy was back at school after a week off (ack!) which meant we were back in the gym started stage  7 of the New Rules of Lifting for Women. STAGE SEVEN. I’ve never made it this far. I know because I would have remembered this torture. It was nice to have barbell squats back in my life even if it was just for today. This is the ‘final cut’ stage where I’m assuming (haven’t read the book in a while) is supposed to be low weight lotsa reps. But when your whole goal for the last 6 months has been to lift heavier and heaver and more than the last time going down in weight was hard. I had to lower my weight a few times before I could actually finish the 15-20 reps (I died at 15) they want us to do. That’s 4 exercises, 15-20 reps, probably with heavier weights than I should have used…repeated 4 times. It felt too much like cross fit and I was not a fan but I can see how this is changing everything up and hopefully will jump start my body back into awesome mode. But it sucked.

Also, I just had a slight freak out because I’m contributing a ‘day in the life’ post over at The Domestic Wannabe. It has been scheduled for a while and I knew I wasn’t until late November so I put it off…and now I thought I missed it. Ack! Then I thought it was the 27th (the run on Wednesdays) so I thought I’d check. It’s actually NEXT week on the 20th. Glad I looked. I need to get on that! I did a day in the life post for her before but it was 2 years ago. Life has changed a tiny bit since then!

Also, also, Chantal at Scattered Seashells posted THIS today… a new link up for stay at home moms. Totally getting in on this because I know y’all want to know just how I spend my days 🙂

And one more blog shout out while I’m linking you all…. This is my BFF, Slam (Slamazon, Jen, whatever you want to call her.) She has a pretty awesome kid and likes to write about all the fun things she gets into 🙂 Read more about Timmy’s other BFF, Ava, at Just an Avarage Day

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