What DO You Do? SAHM Linkup time

So, Chantal from Scattered Seashells is joining up with some other awesome ladies to host a new Tuesday link up for stay at home moms called What DO you do? Perfect. Each week there will be a list of questions for SAHM’s to answer and link up with. This week is all about routines. Turns out I do more than drink coffe, Facebook, and watch Disney Jr. Who knew?


The Pearl & The Pilot


What is your typical daily routine/schedule like?
What things do you do weekly/monthly in addition to daily?
How does your spouse’s schedule impact your daily routine?
How do you balance having a clean home and making memories with your children?


1. Lets see…days for us start with my alarm going off at 5:40am and again at 5:50 after I snooze it. I wake up Layla and start the coffee. Timmy is usually up at least by 6 when the trumpets go off outside. I get them fed and boot L out the door to catch the bus to school. If it’s a Monday, Wednesday, or Friday then Timmy gets ready and we leave for preschool. Once he’s dropped off I head to the gym with some friends.  A few hours later I pick the boy up and we head home for lunch. Random chores/not chores get done and then Layla comes home by 3pm (Unless its the 2 days a week I have to pick her up from school later) From then on it just feels like a whirlwind of homework and kids running down the hall and then suddenly I remember it’s 5pm and I need to figure out dinner.  On Tuesday Timmy and I meet up with friends at the gym to skate and Thursday is my ‘off day’ where I don’t wake up and put on gym clothes.

2. Weekly and monthly…roller derby every Sunday. That’s a big deal. Also, not REALLY part of the routine but Thursday night is Mongolian BBQ night at the restaurant on post and it’s amazing. We go as often as we can.

3. T’s schedule is ever changing. There are long days, short days, early flights, night flights, days off, 24-48 hour duty days, weekends on or off, and times when he’s gone for a week. Thankfully it’s all I’ve known since we’ve been married (his pre-flight school schedule was no better) so I’ve adjusted. The kids and I have a fairly regular routine and when T can fit into that it’s even better!

4. What’s a clean home? I do have my chore list that, when followed, makes keeping up with the house super easy and takes little time each day. Of course I suck at sticking to it…so we just leave the house a lot and pretend like I shouldn’t be cleaning.

That’s it for this week. If you want to get in on this awesomeness here are next weeks questions…

Next week’s questions are about ‘Getting Out’

What things do you do outside of your home? Ex: volunteering, exercise, etc.
What do you do for you?
How do you keep your relationship going after kids?
What kind of groups are you involved in, if any?

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