Sunday Happenings.

It’s Sunday. Yesterday was a long day out of the house so today we are being ‘lazy’. Today I didn’t leave the house. L had a friend over so the kids were distracted all day which left me plenty of free time to poke around and pretend to do things. Ya know…catching up on laundry and dishes…wiping random things with baby wipes and shuffling the piles of stuff on the table and counter around so it looks like a neater pile of junk. I did manage to clean out our spare junk/craft/train room. I had big plans for this room until I remembered we are moving in a few months back into our home…so it’s just been a catch all.

That got old fast though as you can tell my the piles on the desk. Oh well. It was BEAUTIFUL outside today! The kids spent a lot of time out there. I even sat out with the dogs for a bit while the kids were inside taking a break from fresh air to play Minecraft.

Sadie loves the sunshine. I do too. While I was sitting outside I searched around for a workout plan for the week. I’m getting bored quickly with the stuff we’ve been doing. Time to switch it up. This is what I found…

Three day split divided into Push Day, Pull Day, and Leg Day. (Monday, Wednesday, Friday) with HIIT or another form of cardio on Tuesday and Thursday.

We’ll see how this goes.

Now, kids are in bed and the DVR is 40 minutes into Walking Dead. Time to catch up!

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