Not Bummer Summer 2014.

Ok y’all I’m so behind when I look through the pictures I’ve taken so I’m just going to jump back in here.

Our Not Bummer Summer list for 2014. Not as long as last year but I was hoping that meant we could actually finish it this time…


We’ve already crossed a few off! Now to start planning the stuff that is going to take a bit more time.

We have been swimming a lot but that will be the last thing crossed off. Diving board jump was also in the list. Both kids killed it (not that Timmy was afraid at all)




We also went fishing and I think everyone caught something. Timmy got the first fish and I won biggest stick caught.



We had a backyard camp out too the night before fishing.

I’m pretty excited to go find as many giant peanuts as we can and take pictures with them. Except it’s already miserable hot. So maybe it won’t be too fun…

Today we went to the library for the first time since we’ve been back. Nice to say that my phone number and address on file can stay the same. I did have a 60 cent charge on my account though for turning in late books before we went to Korea. Timmy loved it there though. He was so excited about the puzzles.


Editing to add before I post this…we went to see Maleficent yesterday! Such a fantastic movie. Loved. It. Now we also get to cross off go to the movies!

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