Tales from the Phone

Time again for another phone /Insta-dump. These photos may be from Instagram or maybe I haven’t shared them yet. Either way, here ya go.

Revo got a bath. He’s been super chewy and itchy for the last few weeks. He stopped for a while so we thought it was stress from moving and us on vacation but then he started up again. Hoping a bath would help. We (Thomas) ended up finding a pretty large lump at the base of his tail so we got him into the vet yesterday to check him out. More on that later…

dog bath

In other pet news, Lucille is doing great. She’s seriously happy in her new home. Also, it seems that while I can’t keep potted plants alive to save my life I can definitely grow some stuff in turtle enclosures. Maybe it’s the composty worm filled soil. Turns out Lucy doesn’t like the red worms that are around here so much. I dont blame her…they’re crazy jerky and flippy. Anywho, now there are just tubs of them loose in her home.

eastern box turtle

I went to Publix yesterday for some stuff and things (I love you Publix) and found this when I went to load the car up…oops. Forgot that Kassie and I swiped some pallets from the side of the road the other day. One didn’t fit in her car so I took it. I obviously don’t use the back of the Hoe enough because that was last week and I forgot it was there.


Speaking of Publix. Guess what was on sale?? I could live on these little iced Via packets. And the chai. Yummo.

Starbucks VIA

It was looking pretty stormy in the afternoon. It was far enough out from school pick up that I didn’t know if I should drive or walk. Would the storm get here before we could get home? If I drive to get Layla (the whole 2 blocks away) we have to leave ridiculous early to get a parking spot. So we did. 45 minutes sitting in the up front spot waiting for school to get out when it takes 5 minutes to walk…but thankfully we drove because about 1 minutes after getting in the car the sky opened and it was dumping rain. Lots of it.

Oh hey. Ya know how I’ve been growing my hair out for what seems like about 30 years now (maybe it’s been one year. Ish. 1 is the new 30)…well I can finally side braid it. I dunno why the side braid was my main goal…the whole reason I needed long hair again. Well boom. I did it.

Oh, we went to the dentist last week. Timmy’s first time. He rocked it like Elton John.

Starting to feel like Layla doesn’t exist. I promise she does…she’s just always at school. See? Writer’s lunch. This is her third time getting it in the 3ish years she has gone to that school (half of 1st grade, half of 3rd, and now into 4th). PS – I think its time for a bang trim…

That’s all for now. I’ll have more on Revo’s butt bump and some weekly thrift finds soon.

Until then…don’t forget to sign up for the GMC 2014 Mug Swap! I’m excited by how many of y’all are on board again this year and by all the new people joining us! Good stuff. Sign ups close this FRIDAY!

Read alllll about it HERE.

GMC MugSwap 2014

5 thoughts on “Tales from the Phone”

  1. I can’t believe your dog just stands there for his bath. Mine are hellions when I try to give them a bath! I almost feel like I need to sedate them before doing it. It’s either that or break down and pay someone to do it for me.

  2. I really love Publix! I had never been to one before moving to GA. That’s awesome that you got all those delicious-looking lattes and coffees on sale.

  3. I love Publix, too! I always grocery shopped there when I was visiting FL, and was so glad when they ventured out to SC. I also love the dental chair pic!

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