Phone Dump.

Hey everyone. Blogging is a struggle. Im trying to find a balance between my blog when I started and I loved just documenting things with the blogging community ‘rules’. Not really rules I guess…I dunno. I’m in a few Facebook groups and it’s all about promoting and earning money and posting what the readers what to see and that seriously stresses me out. Maybe I just need to ditch the groups and go back to what I do. Just sharing our life. Now, with that, I need to actually DO it. And do things. There’s not much to document when we just flat out don’t do anything. Or maybe we do and I just suck at remembering to remember it.

Either way, what we’ve been up to lately in a phone dump.

Layla finished her golf clinic. One more in the spring and then she will be allowed to join the city golf league in the fall.

The derby girls took over Fanaticon. Ok, maybe not took over, but we did share a table with one of our Bruisers who was already there selling on her own. Thanks for sharing with us Gracious 😀

It’s getting colder now between the random 70* days. It made it down to 20ish last night. Lucille has dug under. Hopefully enough to not be affected by it…I know she knows what to do but I still get nervous. Goodnight Lucille. See ya when it’s warm again…this weekend maybe…

Speaking of cold. It meant realizing 98% of Timmy’s clothes are from last year. Thankfully he doesn’t seem to grow.

Since it’s colder now I’ve been leaving 20 minutes early to drive the block and a half to school so I can be in front of the car line to grab Layla after school. Give Timmy time to talk to Siri on my phone and I try to get in a few minutes of note taking.

And this is how I spend my nights.

And my days.

And thats all for now. I have crafts to make for this weekend’s Holiday Bazaar thing. Derby has a table. Hopefully we can get some more people to join. Or make some money. Both would be nice!

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