The kitchen…

So, it’s been a while. My time management skills are severely lacking and this little blog has been shoved to the back burner. Sorry again. I refuse to quit it though so long breaks are what you get.

Anyway, remember how we tore up the kitchen? Guess what. I’m getting a new floor! Finally! I don’t even care right now how long it takes the rest to get done (I say that now) so long as I have a floor that isn’t broken and old and awful. I might even let people into my house again.

Tearing up the last layer of floor and the board it was stuck to. All the way down to the thin scary subfloor.

Then we put in some cement hardie board.

T worked his behind off all day Saturday. And I mean ALL day. He’s pretty awesome. So this is what we are at this week. Friday night we will put down the self leveler stuff because the floor is SO uneven. Hopefully we bought enough of it. Saturday T’s busy all day which works since it has to set for 24 hours…which means the kids and I will prolly go shopping or something. There’s a S’more Frappuccino I need to try which means Target. Not arguing that. Anyway, then hopefully we will be tiling on Sunday! Happy Mother’s Day to me!

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