715 – Layla and Rik both need me up at the same time. L is in the bathroom calling for me while Rik stands at the bedroom door whining to go out. I let the boys out, get Layla dressed (in shorts today! She didn’t spazz and ask for a dress either.) and came out to vacuum the pile of fish food that Rik dumped on the floor last night and tried to eat.
740 – Floor is vacuumed, Layla is playing Nick Jr on the computer until it is breakfast time. I jump on the Wii Fit super fast because it is a ‘skinny day’. It has been just about 2 months since I have started the 30 Day Shred and then added the Cardio Max to it. NO weight loss. LOTS of muscle. Body has changed dramatically but when the numbers don’t move it is hard to stay motivated. Thank heaven it moved!
820 – Layla is eating her breakfast as I finish up my coffee and work on jotting down our morning so far. Time to get up and feed dogs before they ‘waste away’.
840 – Before getting ready to exercise this morning I decided to add some much needed water to the fish tank and replace the filter to try to make it all sparkly again. I think I need to just drain it, clean it, and start fresh though.
900 – I leave Layla in the living room with some Jello and Nick Jr so I can ‘shred’ in peace. Just as I’m trying to get my shoes on I hear “MOM!!!!!” My first thought is she spilled the jello after I told her to be super careful. Then she yells “There’s a CAT! And Revo is barking at it!” Revo was in his kennel in the house so there was no real threat with that other than me threatening his life because he is so loud. But the cat….WHAT a sweetie! It took every ounce of restraint I had in me not to run out to the porch and love on the poor little thang. SO I took pictures instead.
Layla wanted to keep it. I told her that her daddy would kill me if it came in the house. Like we need ONE more animal in here shedding and eating. I did have a moment of weakness and texted Melissa telling her I needed cat food asap!Even Rik liked him. He trotted up to the window wagging his tail 🙂
Anyway, cat is gone. I didn’t feed it. I did work out. All is good in the world. Except Layla. She still wants a cat. I told her to talk to her dad about that one.
940 – While I’m all sweaty I decide to vacuum the layer of dog hair off of the living room floor and while at it I get out the Bissel and shampoo the carpets. Once that was done I hit the shower to get ready for the day.
1200 – We ate our lunch. I had left overs and L had some dinosaurs.
After we finish up I see the mail lady walking up our front steps. After yelling at Revo for his evil guard dog bark I open the door. She had a package for me from my parents! Layla too I guess. I love getting mail! We also got a little welcome package with stuff to fill out from Layla’s new preschool and the new American Girl catalogue.
Thanks mom and dad! I hope yall kept some of the hot chocolate. I love you but hate that you ship things with packing peanuts. Layla spent her $5 already on a fairy barbie. We love ya!

As she requested I didn’t get 3 books to read for Layla at bedtime like I normally do. I picked up a handful of Level 1 books for her to read instead. Very exciting! Then we hit up the Young Adult section. I got a book there.
150 – After the library we stopped at Teacher Tools. That is a FUN store! After stopping there really fast we headed to Walmart for a couple of needed things. I finally got new light bulbs for the dining room.
240 – We come back to hour house and they drop me off. I dump all of our stuff on the kitchen counters and take the dogs outside before heading back over to Melissa’s house. While bringing them back in all I see is Rik walking on my freshly shampooed carpets with big clumps of hair hanging off of him. I box Revo and bring Rik back outside to Furminate him like crazy. He LOVED it! Probably the happiest I have seen him since T has been away.
320 – After filling the backyard with little ‘Rik Puppies’ I bring him back inside and then leave for Melissa’s. At her house the girls kept playing, we checked out the weather radar, ate cheese, laughed at her animals and cucumbers, and listened to thunder that never actually came to us.
Layla tried her first Hostess fruit pie and was NOT a fan.
530 – Layla and I get home and she starts to color the picture Elizabeth sent home for her while I feed the dogs. I get our dinner together and cut some pieces of cheese for Layla. While I’m walking around trying to put things away and wait for water to boil I hear Layla say “Look Mom! I made the Target sign with my cheese!”….That’s my girl 🙂 I was proud.
630 – The thunder is back! This time it brings a real storm. Not just a few rumbles like earlier. TONS of water in a short amount of time coming off of my roof.
700 – Right before tossing her in the tub Layla wants to go through all of the books I checked out for her today at the library.
Another good, LONG day! Tomorrow is ballet day!
Continue to love your most wonderful parents and recycle the packing peanuts at the local shipping store…and fork over some of those m & m's!
Richard said it was thundering and lightening so bad where he is it knocked the power out at the barracks. I really need to get my kids to the library. I've been a crappy mommy for the past 4 days or so.
mmmm m&m's in the mail….that's a good day! 😉
fun day!
its pouring like that here right now!