Same Ol’ Thing.

Today is Monday right? That makes this Day 5 in the hospital. It sure doesn’t seem like it has been that long and I only hope that is a good sign that the rest of the time will go by just as fast. Today was my first full day without Thomas here. That kind of sucked. Not as bad as last night though. I was REALLY bored last night. Today went pretty quick but I would much rather be home with them. I don’t like being the one that has to miss everything. Now I know what Thomo goes through every time he has to leave for whatever reason. I’m not a fan of it. Not one bit.

I know they are all fine down there. I have another kiddo to worry about now and so far he’s doing just fine. I’ve had so many comments about how happy and bouncy and perfect he is doing. Nothing major to update. Everything still looks good. I get my vitals checked and his heart rate checked every few hours along with the non-stress test (NST) at 5am each day.

As far as updating this blog goes…it will be hard! I think I can manage coming up with one photo a day for the 365 blog but this one might not get updated as often. At least not with pictures. There just isn’t enough photo worthy options.

Some stuff today that did make the cut were my breakfast. Part of it anyway. I liked how swirly and round the french toast was.

Across from my room…the 5th level parking garage.
18Jan10 005

Every morning the nurse of the day comes in to update my board. Today I am 30 weeks and 4 days. 24 to go!
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This is the machine I get strapped to every few ours to check my BP and the check his heart rate as well as check for contractions during the NST.
18Jan10 003

And this is how board I am.
18Jan10 002
I got new bedding today. It’s very clean and white. Also the little things around here remind me of when my dad worked at a hospital and brought the most random things house. Like a rolling over the bed table and a thing to mount my tv to my bedroom wall.

2 thoughts on “Same Ol’ Thing.”

  1. Good luck Megan. Think of all the lovely newborn pictures you are going to be taking soon, I'm jealous (kind of, not really, I like sleep).


  2. hey there Megan! You have no idea who I am and I can't remember how I stumbled upon your blog….but I love it. Truthfully I have a biased interest as I'm an English girl soon to be moving to Enterprise AL where my fiance lives. I'm stuck in the UK until I get my Visa, so I've been getting a regular does of all things Alabaman through your blog 🙂 Congrats and good luck with your pregnancy. You sound like a brilliant Mum (ahem, 'Mom') already and I wish you all the very best with the new one. Loving your blog!
    Louise x

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