Timmy’s ABC’s

Well, I had some pictures to go along with this but I have no idea where they are now.

Ok that’s a lie. After searching my computer I think what happened is that when I imported them from the card they actually just saved into a NEW folder on the card instead of on my hard drive. Oops.

They were blurry and disappointing anyway. But they were something. And there were also a couple pictures of the kids with their candy from Halloween. Oh well.

Anywho, Layla got herself in trouble this past weekend so while she was in her room reading I was responsible for entertaining Timmy. Not easy with her home.

I printed out an ABC coloring sheet and we colored.

Then he told me what each one was.

And after we did that 3 or 4 times I went back through asking him what COLOR it was, not what letter. You could just see his brain working overtime. He was so lost on what to say. It was awesome.

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