High Five for Friday

TGIF! Linking up with Lauren’s High Five for Friday blog hop.  Now to remember what all we did this week…

High five for friday

1. Monday was our fantastic pool day! I posted about it here. Lots of family fun with some relaxing alone time too.

2. Tuesday was the last day of our library’s Summer Reading Program. Kid’s colored, read stories, and got prizes and cupcakes.

3. Wednesday we headed up to Seoul for a few hours. We ate lunch at the Dragon Hill Lodge. Yummy yummy and different than what we eat regularly. Also, the PX up there is awesome. I need to get back up there with more time to pick through everything. I did get a new $3 clearanced hot pink sports bra and a picture of the best mailbox ever.

4. Timmy and I went to an open house at a new preschool today. He had a blast! Actually too much fun. I had to literally pry his fingers from the door when it was time to leave. I think he will like it there…my only issue is that there is no part day. He would be gone 8am – 3pm  5 days a week. That’s a long time for my not even 4 year old baby.

5. Starbucks tumblers and bucket margaritas. Do I really need more detail than that? 🙂

If you want to share your top 5 for the week go check out Lauren’s High 5 for Friday link up 🙂

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5 thoughts on “High Five for Friday”

  1. I know what mailbox you are talking about and yep its awesome! We also have a pic of it. My hubby and son are huge Star Wars fans. Love the px there but whats even more amazing is the commissary! I can almost pretend im in a grocery store back at the states when I am there!

  2. wow that is a long time for Timmy!! Will he be able to handle it all day without you? Or you without him!! 🙂 I love the mailbox!!

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