High Five for Friday!

TGIF! Busy derby week here. We had a scrimmage on Wednesday for ESPN and Saturday is our regular monthly bout.

It’s Batman vs Joker themed!  Pretty fun.  Anyway…

1. New IP blocker means I can finally shop Target.com again!! It has been unavailable to us in Korea for a while now and the old IP blocker I was using still didn’t have Target on it’s approved sites list. But now Im just overwhelmed with Target options and haven’t made any orders.

2. I stopped at the library on Wednesday since I had some time to kill before picking up the boy from preschool. Grabbed a photography book. Hoping for some inspiration on Korea pics before we leave or its too cold to go outside. Also decided to actually read the Hunger Games. I almost skipped to book 2 like I did after watching the first Twilight movie but decided against it. I also grabbed a couple movies…Holes because Layla just read it at school and Willow because Thomo and I were just talking about it. I don’t remember ever liking that movie. Maybe I will this time around.

3. Starbucks. I’ve had a lot in the last week. It was amazing…I never stop and grab coffee out so I enjoyed it. Too bad their ‘Fall flavor’ is caramel macchiato. Dumb.

4. ESPN! Is this what it’s like being on a reality tv show?! I was so pukey nervous but once we started playing I forgot they were there.

5. Totally using a picture I just blogged yesterday. Oh well. I like it. Movie time with the boy. I really like the Toy Story movies. We’ve watched #3 about 6 times in the last 2 days.

There’s my week! Today I’m off to buy groceries and get ready for tomorrow’s bout. Super derby giddy this week!  I’ve been looking at new skates too. I’m just so cheap! Ahh. Anywho…Happy Friday!!
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6 thoughts on “High Five for Friday!”

  1. I love Timmy asleep holding on to woody!! 🙂 You’ll have to let me know when that is showing on ESPN!!

  2. ESPN?! how crazy exciting! Good luck at the bout, I have one this Sat, too! I keep getting recommendations to read the Hunger Games, gotta get around to it one of these days. I hear there’s a whole lot of differences in the book from the movie.

    Checked out your about page, we have a lot in common! Found your blog from Peacoats & Plaid and i’m so glad I did 🙂

    1. Glad you found me! Good luck to you as well 🙂 And I’ve heard too that main parts of the book were left out which are important in the next book/movie. I figure I should probably know what all I’m missing.

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