Stuff & Things

I really have nothing solid to share today. Just some things I had on the camera….trying to play catch up and since I have a new computer I need to get on it! I’m also watching Deadliest Catch so this might be semi distracted.

Did I mention I got a new computer? I finally got a Mac. I just had to Google how to right click something.

Also, to keep up with more regular photos from me don’t forget to follow on Instagram. It’s where I live most.

So, what we’ve been up to… Some more random lilies have bloomed around the back yard.

And then some wrens made a nest and laid eggs in my hydrangea pot. They obviously aren’t aware we are moving soon and I plan to take that plant with me. According to Google they will be hatched and gone in about 30 days (at the most hopefully) so we can give them the boot right before we move. The plant will probably be the last thing to go. Dang birds! I’m excited to see it through though.

Lucille seems to be settling in. She acts a lot less stressed and I think she might even like me. Too bad we’re going to move her too and give her a new home to get used to. Hopefully we can make her new cool enclosure that she will like more than what she’s in now.

Revo likes her too.

And Timmy. Because I found it on my camera and he’s cute.

That’s all I have right now.

That’s a lie. I do have a lot of thrifted stuff but I’ve decided to save that for it’s own post. Maybe on…Thrifty Thursday?

Until then, enjoy my randoms.

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